
Saturday 15 August 2009

A NuGuild is Born

So we've I've decided to re-roll the NuGen on the horde side, and on a new server. Fresh start, something new, and all that. It was a bold decision, lots of talking and planning and whatnot. There are a few people who have said they'll come along, which I'm really looking forward to. So I should start from the very beginning.

I created a Death Knight, which I intend to use as my bank/mule character (I don't find any appeal in Death Knights, and I doubt I will ever have the drive to level one to 80), and called her Cattrina. I then begged asked people from the alliance guild to make some toons and login with them so I could get signatures for the guild charter. How very exciting.

Dreanie (now known as Leetmonkey...his decision) didn't make the charter signing that easy. Typically, his was the last signature I needed, and in typical Dreanie-style, when I came to find him, he had his character (a level3 rogue, if I recall) out in Borean Tundra. That's right. So I, level 58 Death Knight, had to go find him, and get a window between him being alive and me being alive at the same time long enough to get a signature. I have a picture of this somewhere, which I will post when I root it out.

We had an interesting few hours shortly after creating the new guild, spent primarily asking in guild chat "So who are you?". Tzix made a priest, called Tzix. Dreanie doesn't like it; says it isn't right. I have to agree. He wanted Twix, but unfortunately, it was taken.

Being in Orgrimmar, I wanted Cattrina, who is a blood elf, to have what I am steadily thinking is actually the best mount in the game, the chocobo hawkstrider. So off I went, forgetting most of the time that I actually have a Death Knight, and as such has access to an epic speed mount.

I then parked my blood elf and her chocobo hawkstrider in Undercity, where she will probably stay for the rest of the guild's life.
Fun times ahead.

I also saw a few people "LF friendly Guild" in trade chat, so there is promise that we will be able to create a new fantabulous community of dead things, egocentric things, cow things, fugly things, and trolls.

The re-roll officially launches on the 31st August 2009. Hope to see some of you there.



Blogger Greygamer said...

I'm still preparing the ground work for my character, he has a support group.
Level6 Mage Bank Alt in Org, already earned me almost a whole gold piece, without gathering anything.

Added an Undead Warlock (L6) ran to Ratchet and is based in Booty Bay to keep an eye on the neutral AH.

PS low level warlocks are insane to level, at Level 4 get an imp then send your imp to attack and drop a couple of DoTs. Or if you want the mob to come to you, use a DoT and run away while the imp kills the mob. It's like having a totem that follow you around and can tank :)

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