
Tuesday 29 September 2009

Look Who I Found!

/Dodgy RP Mode On

Catrinna edged into the Ramparts. The smell of orc sweat and blood filled her nostrils. She quickly took out the guards at the bridge. They came too close to let any arrows fly; she hacked away at them with the heavy sword she carried on her back. Her lithe frame could hardly lift the thing, but it still had the same effect when she swung it into their faces.

Across the bridge, she spotted her reason for being there. Lumbering alongside one of the Bonechewer orcs was a very familiar-looking wolf.

I'd know that face of fur and fangs anywhere.

Uneasy on her feet with the huge sword weighing her down, the wolf's master heard her coming.

"Get her!" he roared, and the wolf bolted forwards, its cyan eyes gleaming with bloodlust.

Catrinna threw down a trap, catching the wolf as it leapt for her throat.

She took out her bow and sent arrows into some choice locations in the wolfmaster's torso.

The trap had started to give way by the time the body had hit the floor. The wolf, disoriented from the ice, stared up at her. She thought for a moment he might have known who she was. But in this new body, she couldn't have expected it. Ears pinned back, teeth bared, the wolf growled.

Amidst the angry snarls and snapping jaws, she cried out: "Bigwig, it's me! It's Catrinna!"

The snarls became low growls. She edged forwards, offering her hand. "Remember me?"

The wolf sniffed at the air around her, eyes still aglow. Ears pricking back up, the huge mound of fur at his rear wagged. He licked her fingers before falling in alongside her, ready and waiting for their next challenge.

/Dodgy RP Mode Off

So that was a very long way of saying I got a Bigwig for my blood elf hunter. I never did explain her, did I? Well, briefly, she was my first main character, originally CatrinĂ¡ on the Aggramar server. She was my first 70. She has been passed from Aggramar to Darkspear (transferred her over initially when WotLK hit, because back then you needed a character of at least level 55 on the server you wanted to roll a DK on, and I wanted to roll a DK), and now she's come over to Hellfire, because - let's face it - I love my hunters. I haven't used her yet, other than for the aforementioned Venomhide Ravasaur quest chain (of which I'm 17/20 on the baby teeth now, go me). She's waiting.



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