
Thursday 3 September 2009

Guide: How to Get the Venomhide Ravasaur Mount

A long time ago, back before I played WoW, there was a thing about this mount and the trainer Mor'vek in the game. Alliance players might know about the mount considered this one's equal, the Winterspring Frostsabre, which to get players used to need to do an obscene amount of farming to get their hands on. This has been nerfed (or is it buffed?) numerous times since its inception, making the grind slightly more bearable, and so they've been popping up here and there. With patch 3.2, Blizzard re-introduced Mor'vek in Un'Goro Crater, and his quest to let horde players get their grubby mitts on a Venomhide Ravasaur. Some people - mostly Alliance, I assume - have already complained that these quests do not compare to the grindfest they have to endure to get themselves their version of this mount. But if you think about it, the Frostsabre has been available since Vanilla WoW, so the hordies have been waiting quite a long time already!

Anyhoo, I started this quest chain on my hunter (Huh? I'll explain in another post...) three days ago. Just FYI, you can pick up this quest from level 48, but it's recommended mid 50's because of some of the high level places you need to go for the dailies.

1/ Travel to Un'goro and find Mor'vek, who gives you the quest Toxic Tolerance. The basic idea behind this story is that the Venomhides have...well...venomous hides. If you tried to ride one, the poison would sink through your skin and kill you! Gasp! So he says you have to go and get splashed by their poison 20 times to build up a resistance. Considering that venomhides are pretty rare spawns, that may seem unfair, but since in the PTR for 3.2 they were suggesting that you got splashed 2,000 times, it's doesn't seem so bad. So head out around the raptor areas looking for venomhides. Get splashed 20 times and go hand in for the next quest.
Hints: For high levels, you can't just stand there and take a beating and hope to get the 20 you need. You need to do damage to the raptor for it to poison you. For this reason, take off all your armour, and put on a very low damage weapon (I used my [Skinning Knife]), so you can give and take the most beats before it dies. Extra hint for hunters/warlocks: You obviously need to have more aggro than you pet to get poisoned, so if you're doing it at the right level, watch your health. Extra extra hint for hunters: If you're doing it as a high level hunter, the easiest way by far is to dismiss your pet, equip some kind of low level stabbing stick, poke the raptor a few times, then once it's almost dead, feign death. The mob will reset, allowing you to run back and poke it some more. And who says hunters don't get it easy?

2/ Mor'vek then gives you Venomhide Eggs, where basically you go to pick up your baby raptor, ready for raising as a fierce...mount. They're found around the same places you should have spotted the raptors. The eggs in question are light coloured, where the normal ones are purplish. So you bring him three. You get to keep one. I'm not sure what he's going to do with the other two, but anyway... (I like mine fried or poached.)

3/ Mor'vek gives you the quest The Grow Up So Fast, whereby you need to take care of your little bundle of scales and claws until it's big enough to become a mount. This consists of 20 days worth of dailies, given at random by the baby Venomhide (If you're a high level, it will not show the ! unless you turn on "Low Level Quests" from the minimap search, but of course you can still take the quest off it). For each quest to turn in, the raptor will give you one of its baby teeth. Ew.

4/ Each day, you will get given one of four possible dailies to trade in for one tooth:

Searing Roc Feathers - Your Ravasaur wants to decorate itself with tribal feathers. Go kill some birds and rip out the plumage so your little one can be happy!
TIP: There are Rocs all over Tanaris, but it's only the Searing Rocs found in the south that drop the feathers.

The others, Gorishi Grub, Hungry, Hungry Hatchling, and Poached,Scrambled or Raw? are all basically "Feed my Fat Face" quests, scattered in Tanaris, Un'goro and Sithilus. It's no wonder it grows into a full-sized beast in 20 days if it keeps eating like that!

5/ While I haven't got this far myself yet (only had 2 dailies, both the feathers one), after 20 days of toiling, you will have your 20 baby teeth, and you can go back to Mor'vek with a big smile to get your mount. Oh, you'll also need the following:

20 x Rugged Leather (for your saddle)
20 x Runecloth (for your saddle)
80g (because Mor'vek charges an extortionate amount to make you the saddle)

Et voila! A shiny new mount for joo! Don't forget you can pick this quest up from level 48 (though you may have issues getting poisoned without simultaneously getting squished), so pick it up while levelling and you'll have an awesome cool mount to shimmy off Outland with!

Here's the Venomhide as it looks to me on Day 2:



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