
Tuesday 1 September 2009

Leet Monkeys VS V.I.P

Apparently Leet Monkeys isnt a cool enough rank name over on the horde side so Cat picked the much better name of....V.I.P....yes I know. If we ever wondered who had the coolest guild, she just totally forfeited her place with that lame ass title.

So News this week?

Quite a bit actually, though whether you'll ifnd it interesting remains to be seen.

I've been playing on the horde side for a few levels with some of the deserters and I have a few point that that I've just noticed while switching between the two. For one thing, Hellfire is a newer server but it just seems so much quieter than Dramaspear. Not just the guild, though obviously they all rejoice when I log onto provide them with much needed entertainment. Wther it's just that I've settled into my bank character in exodar or what, but my bank (Riande) (yes i know a pally, but I'll never never never level her) in silvermoon is totally alone! at least I see a few people running around in exodar but I see NO ONE on the hordie side. Another point is that their trade chat is almost normal (dare I say it) with people actually wanting things and to TRADE?? stuff, but then there's still not a lot of trade action going on anyway. Though there was a nice incident of anal spamming the other day that made everyone feel right at home.

I know I was keeping the hordies up to date with my creation of an empire over there so less interesting and hard work than I thought. I sent my bank char some linen/wool cloth and other random bits o' crap my huntard had picked up and was delighted to find my very first gold in my mailbox the other day. So slowly does it, and much to my utter delight and dismay when I logged in this morning I was up to 39g. So, it seems, an empire over there is easy to build as much of the lower level items and mats are beautifully expensive.

Some of you might have noticed my severly antisocial behaviour of the last few days when I just have not had the will to log onto vent and strike up conversations. This is mainly due to my being lazy at the moment and it takes time and energy being witty and hilarious and an all round amazing person! Also due to some speaker issues so I've had to choose between vent and music (sorry guys, cranking up the music won) and obviously I'm bearing towards the end of my Taverncast saga, only a few episodes to go til I'm uptodate.

In other news;

Twix is gone! Time for the man to buckle down and take a break from WoW. Good plan, thought you had only just starting speaking Silent Bob.

Aiv is back! For those who hadn't heard. (nice farewell post for Twix ;) )

So to sum up; Making money is easy. Hellfire freaks me out and will continue to do so until we all move over eventually. Cat is crap at picking names. Taverncast rules. I'm totally rad and awesome and uber cool and you all love me. Aiv is back. Twix is gone.

All of this can be boiled down to one tiny but hugely significant point.

NuGen Rocks. True story.



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