
Tuesday 18 August 2009

Keeping in Touch

With The NuGen Horde's arrival quickly approaching, we shall lose some long standing and intregal members of our little community. I think that the Darkspear guilds will be changed greatly and it might take us some time to get used to their absence.

But never fear, they still have a way to show their undying love and appreciation for us.

Some of you have already discovered the joys/pains of our ventrillo server. For those unsure as to what it is, its a voice communication software that enables guildies to physcially chat with each other into the late night.

Here's a little taste of some of the regulars; the ppl you shall come to know and love/hate if you ever log on to spy. The following unfortunate people are the unlucky ones that have simply been floating around the same vent channels as me at the same times as me. And all I have to go off is their voices and their laughter, so for your amusement, I give you a few words for some of the poor souls who were the first to discover vent with us. You may know them by other names so they shall be added as well ;)

Dreanie - I have come to find that Dreanie or Dr. Dre/Dr. Eanie/DJ Dreanie is the resident member of vent. Whenever I have logged on he is already there before me. If there is a SFX or music to be played then Dreanie is the one who plays it. He is best known for this PTT (thats Push to Talk to you, ladies and gents) echo, due to his utterly crap mic you might that you hear yourself rather than him if you choose to speak. The conversations are longer and louder and repeated back to you, which is always a pleasure/pain in the arse I assure you.
Catrinna - Ah yes, the other GM, the most I have say about Cat is that in guild I shall lose my sparring partner and we shall lose a GM who works tirelessly to ensure your needs are met in game (oh wait, thats me, Cat is the one who sits around and corrects everyone's grammar). Vent wise, it's the high pitched squeaky yet hilarious and highly infectious laugh she has that we hear most often.
Alka - Why bother to type his full name? Some occasional useful information about pallys spouts from his mouth, though half the time it is simply the words 'Go Pally Power'. The rest of the time, he and Cat have indepth discussion in their own private language called 'Mehmehmehmehmeh'. You get used to it.
Aiv - The effective tripod (what?) of GM conspiracy. The bringer of the spam 'Babes' into the vent world, (no ladies he's not gay....I think). Numerous attempts to beat the world record for explaining boss kills. An acerbic (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/acerbic) wit and charm that makes him the Yang to our Ying, the fool to our kingly court, the homeless person we step over in the street. His low tolerance for idiots makes us wonder why he is still with us... (Aivy baby we love you really).
Koru/Eikin - A voice as calming as having your own babbling brooke which makes you think of a young white James Earl Jones. Officers chatted once about how nice and soothing it was to listen to him...only without the obscenities. Mufasa would never swear. (No other actual benefits I'm afraid, he's just there as the voice candy).
Kedarii - Again, another high pitched squeak from our third resident female (yes we have girls on Vent). Alas whenever I'm online with her, all I can hear is her complaining about her crap DPS (which it is) and mainly yelling at her gf down vent with 'Omg, you noob' 'C'mon you idiot' 'God, you're so crap'. (I'm taking bets to see how long that relationship will last if anyone is interested ;) ).
Ulreazj/Ultake - The man has a scary shift between 'C'mon you f***ing noobs' while raiding to 'Awwww, Muffin died'. Though I will let him off as some of his end game knowledge is informative (on occasion, as some of us are uber raiders anyway ;P) but I feel we should get more ppl on vent to entertain him as he makes his way through some of the more timeconsuming and dull achievements in game. And he'll make sure we know about them. Nuff said.
Riande - aka God/Spawn of Satan/the dominiant to Satan's submissive/your favourite GM. Kind of sits in the background waiting to pass judgement on all of you. Little know fact; is actually nicer on vent than in guild (marginally).

There are many more of you that have the pleasure of entertaining/boring me on vent, some I only hear when raiding, the rest; you were simply not funny or interesting enough to make the above cut. So a challenge I put before you! (I jest...honest) . In truth there are too many of you to all fit in one blog and in future I'm sure I'll do a little wink and nod in your direction.

Previous Highlights of Vent

1. Koru singing the theme tune to Gummi Bears in Dutch/Swedish/French/Albanian was it? ;P Who can tell, you continentals all sound the same.
2. When a late night guild run cba to move into a private channel and you hear the randomness of their conversation. e.g. I assume Cat was either healing or tanking which was why it was sooo abysmal. 5 of us in Violet Hold heroic and suddenly the frantic cries of 'I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying!' and my all time favourite for that night 'Oh my God, his balls!' 'He has exploding balls!' and 'His giant balls are coming after me!' Good times.
3. The musical stylings of Cat and myself durnk on a raid night and singing down vent. We take full credit for the new lyrics to Freres Jacques as our raid song. Ergo 'Here I am now, here I am now. Here I am, here I am. Don't start the raid without me, dont start the raid without me'. (Shamefully we couldnt think of anything to replace Ding Dang Dong). True story.

Alas with the good times come the bad.

Lowlights of Vent

1. The Silence. Yes folks, sometimes it does happen. There might be a million of us on vent, but sometimes, even we, the hilarious guild you would gladly give up your other half for, have nothing to say.
2. The burping. Yes. Mainly boys. (notice I put boys, not men)
3. The football. Yes. Again. Mainly men. (notice the handy reverse)

So ladies I beg you, with Cat, Kedarii and myself as the 'resident' women, please join us and we can fight back with talk of shoes and make up and clothes (as at the moment it is simply Cat and I advising Keds to wear make up and her advising us about the best dungarees to get and what crew cut would go well with them).

So you can see what you are missing out on. A mic is never needed, you dont need to speak to enjoy the wonderful world of vent. I give you a warning though. Sometimes....we are dull. Sometimes? Well yes, ok then all the time.

We/Beef/Cat/Koru have placed a lovely step by step guide (with pictures and everything) on the forum to aid you in becoming our audience. This direct link is all you need, though if you havent checked out the forum yet, do it. There is a whole world of wit and laughter The NuGen try to share with you outside of the actual game itself. Remember, we do all this out of love...and too much free time.




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